Ginés S.: Color Esperanza
wah5253: Downy Woodpecker
imago2007 (BUSY): Another sunrise moment - this time it's ablaze
John 106: Guitarist's Socks
BITH*: The Seventh Continent
BITH*: The Evolution of Barefoot
rh89: Old Vic
ms.ami: and she'll call you home.
ejkim06: Kite power
 JoesSistah: creative commons [9]
pieceoflace photography: Monarch on Rosinweed...
Lance & Cromwell: Evening Moon -- P1040264
gérard lavalette: rue de la main d'or (3)
Gregg Obst: That's OK honey, I'll pickup some fish on the way home...
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Two Talons are for Rookies!
imago2007 (BUSY): "The thing that is important is the thing that is not seen.."
ajatierra: sunshine... makes me happy
alpo430: bubblebomb
imago2007 (BUSY): Just because
Pawel Sawicki: Bathing in a dam
mikewiz: sandhill crane portrait
MEaves: Weed Jumper
Siprico - Silvano: THE KILLER
Rey Nocum: There's an apple in the drop
beegardener: Flowers in the Window