_phin: Bedroom for first night by Narita Airport
_phin: Plants on the pavement
_phin: Dinner! An eel sushi set for 540 yen (about two pounds 50p)
_phin: Beatiful cakes
_phin: And I thought I'd miss pastries here...
_phin: My room at Aizuna Inn
_phin: o_0
_phin: Pics 049
_phin: Pics 050
_phin: Pics 051
_phin: Pics 052
_phin: Pics 080
_phin: View from Lala Port, Toyosu
_phin: View from Lala Port, Toyosu
_phin: View from Lala Port, Toyosu
_phin: Instructions for the loo at college
_phin: Instructions for the loo at college
_phin: Spotted in the local superstore (called Super Viva Home!)
_phin: US Army base. Go home!
_phin: Bonesetters!
_phin: Oh deary me. Worst. House name. Evar
_phin: Takagi Sensei's dojo
_phin: Leaflet advertising sex doll. With a material sample. WTF!
_phin: Sex doll material sample.
_phin: Fi 001
_phin: Fi 002
_phin: Fi 003
_phin: Fi 004
_phin: Fi 005
_phin: Fi 006