Michael.Lang: Pfeiffer beach
Michael.Lang: Leaving the dock
Michael.Lang: Why is the steering on the right side of the boat?
Michael.Lang: Heading out into open water
Michael.Lang: Kevin -- "How am I driving?"
Michael.Lang: IMG_5665
Michael.Lang: Red buoys
Michael.Lang: Flock of cranes...
Michael.Lang: Judy and Tan
Michael.Lang: Kevin, Melanie, Tan, and Judy
Michael.Lang: Tan, Judy, Kevin, and Melanie
Michael.Lang: Tan, Judy, Mike, Melanie
Michael.Lang: Lunch time
Michael.Lang: Lunch time
Michael.Lang: Just chillaxin'
Michael.Lang: Kevin's iPhone 4
Michael.Lang: Melanie and Kevin
Michael.Lang: Clear Lake...largest lake in California
Michael.Lang: Clear Lake...largest lake in California
Michael.Lang: Poles to anchor "We're swimming" flag
Michael.Lang: Clear Lake...largest lake in California
Michael.Lang: Speeding along...
Michael.Lang: Kevin and Melanie
Michael.Lang: Judy and Tan (somewhat blurred)
Michael.Lang: Pontoon, too slow for us
Michael.Lang: Pontoon, too slow for us
Michael.Lang: I wanna be a sailor, too!
Michael.Lang: I wanna be a sailor, too!
Michael.Lang: I wanna be a sailor, too!
Michael.Lang: Mike posing on the jet boat