Michael.Lang: Dad and Sophie
Michael.Lang: View off of our cabin...really gorgeous isn't it?
Michael.Lang: At our cabin
Michael.Lang: Katie being clever taking a pic of me taking a pic of her
Michael.Lang: Snuggling up
Michael.Lang: Snuggling up
Michael.Lang: Beautiful view off of our cabin
Michael.Lang: Look at that nice looking shadow
Michael.Lang: ...or was it Obama pose?
Michael.Lang: Kevin's Kennedy pose...
Michael.Lang: Henry and Marcus
Michael.Lang: Henry, Marcus and Ashley
Michael.Lang: Kids and Kevin
Michael.Lang: Sophie
Michael.Lang: Ashley and Sophie
Michael.Lang: Camryn
Michael.Lang: Camryn
Michael.Lang: Marcus and Ashley
Michael.Lang: Mia, Camryn, and Lauren
Michael.Lang: Sophie
Michael.Lang: Aww...kids (and Katie)
Michael.Lang: Kevin and Mia
Michael.Lang: Dad and Sophie
Michael.Lang: Icicles
Michael.Lang: LOL Marcus/Ashley gallery in honor of my niece and nephew
Michael.Lang: LOL Marcus/Ashley gallery in honor of my niece and nephew
Michael.Lang: Camryn, Marcus, Sophie, and Dad
Michael.Lang: Camryn