Michael.Lang: Katie cutting tomatos
Michael.Lang: Salad...YUM!
Michael.Lang: Katie preparing salad
Michael.Lang: Pot and veggies
Michael.Lang: Colorful jelly
Michael.Lang: Sophie playing on the floor
Michael.Lang: The Land and the Cao family arriving
Michael.Lang: The Cao family
Michael.Lang: Butter and...
Michael.Lang: Katie cooking
Michael.Lang: Sophie, Henry, and Dad
Michael.Lang: Mirror picture
Michael.Lang: Prepping the salad
Michael.Lang: Steaks!!! YUM!
Michael.Lang: Katie adding sea salt to the steaks
Michael.Lang: Awww Sophie and Henry
Michael.Lang: Henry posing
Michael.Lang: Lang...Michael Lang
Michael.Lang: Mike and cousin Bryant
Michael.Lang: Henry, Uncle Duc, and Bryant
Michael.Lang: Allan playing with the kids
Michael.Lang: Marcus, Ashley, and Lauren
Michael.Lang: Marcus and Ashley
Michael.Lang: Henry and Dad
Michael.Lang: Marcus sweating it out
Michael.Lang: Michelle
Michael.Lang: Kids playing
Michael.Lang: Auntie cooking