mia!: Theresa May / Jeremy Corbyn 'Partners in Crime' sign, anti-Brexit march
mia!: 'Where is David Cameron? Danny Dyer for PM' sign, anti-Brexit march
mia!: God save the Queen from the gammon regime
mia!: Eton Mess
mia!: I voted for Boaty McBoatface but I got over it
mia!: I reserve the right to be smarter today than I was yesterday
mia!: Random cheers from a happy crowd, anti-Brexit march
mia!: 'Whose lie is it anyway' interactive sign, anti-Brexit march
mia!: 'Testiculi Ad Brexitam' sign, anti-Brexit march
mia!: Unikitty is blurry but definitely against Brexit
mia!: Anti-Brexit march within sight of Big Ben
mia!: 'No to disaster capitalism' sign, anti-Brexit march
mia!: Stephen Fry recorded message, anti-Brexit march
mia!: Brexiter quotes via Led by Donkeys, anti-Brexit march
mia!: '2,226,183 new voters deserve a say' sign, anti-Brexit march
mia!: '2,226,183 new voters deserve a say' sign, anti-Brexit march
mia!: Turning the corner at St James' palace
mia!: 'Grannies against Brexit' 'I am marching for 81 people who can't be here' sign, anti-Brexit march
mia!: Democracy is knowing what you're voting for sign, anti-Brexit march
mia!: 'Wanker' (Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn) sign, anti-Brexit march
mia!: Nobody voted to close factories sign, anti-Brexit march (bonus dog)
mia!: Bum bum Brexit sign, anti-Brexit march
mia!: Free movement for our children
mia!: Anti-Brexit, pro-EU marcher with a walking frame
mia!: Hey Hey Mrs May, We All Want the Final Say
mia!: Unikitty's first protest! Also, 'Brexit is worse than comic sans'
mia!: Lots of signs, anti-Brexit march
mia!: Crowd stretches out of sight down Piccadilly before the anti-Brexit march started
mia!: The lies on the bus go round and round - sign on anti-Brexit march
mia!: Unbelievably polite queuing at the anti-Brexit march