mia!: Monongahela River, Morgantown
mia!: Architecture, Morgantown
mia!: Architecture, Morgantown
mia!: Cool Ridge!
mia!: Great light espresso at the Grind, Morgantown
mia!: Hill houses
mia!: Free trophies!
mia!: Pole detail, Morgantown WV
mia!: Personal Rapid Transit System line
mia!: Personal Rapid Transit System track
mia!: Untraceable
mia!: Road ends in water
mia!: Bridge, Monongahela River, Morgantown
mia!: Bridge, Monongahela River, Morgantown
mia!: Monongahela River, Morgantown
mia!: Bridge, Monongahela River, Morgantown
mia!: Plaque for a local who died in Shkin, Afghanistan
mia!: George Washington, Pittsburgh airport
mia!: Franco Harris, Pittsburgh airport
mia!: Brood V cicada in the sun
mia!: Holes and abandoned casing where Brood V cicadas emerged
mia!: West Virginia University, Morgantown with Brood V cicada flying
mia!: Lots of Brood V cicadas
mia!: Brood V cicadas on campus at West Virginia University
mia!: Brood V cicadas hanging out
mia!: The first sign that cicadas might be about - lost wings
mia!: Sign in the Geography department at WVU
mia!: Emerging cicada
mia!: Newly emerged cicada drying out
mia!: Discarded cicada shells