mia!: Photo caption 'The trolling singers in Ha Noi treet, end of 19th century'
mia!: Totally neutral photo caption 'The slave and the aggressor', Hanoi museum, Vietnam
mia!: Interpretive options on Mona's O (the Red Queen version)
mia!: Mona's O. Once you've 'loved' or 'hated' an artwork, you can't undo it, you can only switch to the opposite reaction
mia!: Some 'Tweedledum' text on Mona's O
mia!: 'Headphones required' - but oddly they didn't hand them out with the O
mia!: Mona's O prompt to 'save your O tour to the Mona website'
mia!: Entering through the red velvet curtains...
mia!: 'Art wank' on MONA's O
mia!: 'Gonzo' stories on MONA's O
mia!: Another one of those photos taken to remember a thought captured in text...
mia!: David Walsh on Geoffrey Miller, creativity, and the power of telling stories 1/2
mia!: David Walsh on Geoffrey Miller, creativity, and the power of telling stories 2/2
mia!: MONA Roma (geddit?) bus and ferry terminal
mia!: Seating at the start of MONA/near the bar
mia!: Looking back towards the entrance to the first gallery at MONA
mia!: Getting started with the MONA's O
mia!: Instructions for using MONA's O
mia!: Hit the O to locate nearby artworks... List view
mia!: Viewing artwork information on MONA's O
mia!: What happens if you love an artwork on MONA's O: '12% of the people visiting MONA were just as aroused by this work'
mia!: Prompt to save your tour on Mona's O
mia!: Hobart's Government house
mia!: View back to Hobart
mia!: Sheep on the Mona boat
mia!: Nearly at Mona...
mia!: View of Mona from the boat
mia!: Disembarking the Mona boat
mia!: Disembarking the Mona Roma
mia!: Arriving at Mona