mia!: First proper meal (and coffee) of the trip
mia!: I think this photo because the man labelled 'Jolly' was not really at all jolly.
mia!: 201111201411
mia!: Soup: Beercheese!!!!!
mia!: 201111201415
mia!: 201111201417
mia!: 201111201422
mia!: 201111201426
mia!: 201111201427
mia!: Ace things at Atlanta aquarium
mia!: Jellyfish, Atlanta aquarium
mia!: Plush sharks, Atlanta aquarium shop
mia!: Plush sharks, Atlanta aquarium shop
mia!: Gandhi quote at MLK Center, Atlanta
mia!: Mahatma Gandhi statue outside the Martin Luther King Center, Atlanta
mia!: Old ad, Auburn Avenue? Altanta
mia!: Old ad, Auburn Avenue? Atlanta
mia!: Napkin from Atlanta's spinny bar, The Sundial for the SBHS