mia!: Equipment shed, boats, Canary Wharf, Millwall dock
mia!: Looking toward Canary Wharf
mia!: View back down the dock to the Docklands Sailing and Watersports Centre
mia!: Millwall dock
mia!: Millwall dock
mia!: Towards Marsh Wall, Millwall dock
mia!: Canary Wharf in mist
mia!: Traffic light tree sculpture in remnants of mist, Westferry Road, London
mia!: Windsurfer at the Docklands sailing centre
mia!: Dry land practice boat
mia!: 'Engl' brick, modern rubbish, Thames foreshore, Millwall
mia!: Worn bricks on Thames foreshore, Millwall
mia!: Worn bricks on Thames foreshore, Millwall
mia!: Tourist boat, Thames, Millwall
mia!: Thames from Millwall
mia!: Old painted wood, Old Bellgate Wharf, London
mia!: Tom's shadow