mia!: Jack on 'the myth of engagement' at #bathcamp
mia!: Jack's slides on 'the myth of engagement' at #bathcamp
mia!: Jack's slides on 'the myth of engagement' at #bathcamp
mia!: Laura on Social Learning at #bathcamp
mia!: Slide for further information on social learning at #bathcamp
mia!: Question time in session on Social Learning, #bathcamp
mia!: Question time in session on Social Learning, #bathcamp
mia!: Session board at #bathcamp
mia!: The bath at #bathcamp
mia!: Espresso tasting session at #bathcamp
mia!: Espresso tasting session at #bathcamp
mia!: Tub quiz - visual round at #bathcamp
mia!: Burgers from Schwartz's
mia!: Burgers from Schwartz's - the lucky ticket
mia!: Burgers from Schwartz's
mia!: Burgers from Schwartz's
mia!: Burgers from Schwartz's
mia!: Burgers from Schwartz's
mia!: Burgers from Schwartz's
mia!: Burgers from Schwartz's
mia!: Burgers from Schwartz's
mia!: The end of #bathcamp
mia!: #bathcamp video addresses