mia!: Outside for the fire alarm after lunch
mia!: Outside for the fire alarm after lunch
mia!: NMOLP infrastructure
mia!: NMOLP webquest
mia!: NMOLP Webquest
mia!: Spindle Lodge wallpaper
mia!: Accidental girlie/geek mag, apparently
mia!: Mashed museum day
mia!: Mike presents mashed museum results
mia!: Playing with Yahoo! Pipes, mashed museum day 2008
mia!: Playing with Yahoo! Pipes, mashed museum day 2008
mia!: Playing with Yahoo! Pipes, mashed museum day 2008
mia!: Playing with Yahoo! Pipes, mashed museum day 2008
mia!: Playing with Yahoo! Pipes, mashed museum day 2008
mia!: Mashed museum day
mia!: Mashed museum day
mia!: Tom Loosemore, Ofcom characteristics as applied to online content
mia!: BBC net promoter index
mia!: IMG_0118
mia!: 'Exposing data' slide 1
mia!: 'Exposing data' slide
mia!: How
mia!: Standards strategy slide
mia!: 'Is this the Semantic Web?' slide
mia!: IMG_0126
mia!: 'Integration' slide
mia!: 'RDFa' slide
mia!: RDF Model slide
mia!: Panel discussion, Lee Iverson, Paul Marty, Tom Loosemore
mia!: IMG_0131