*manuworld*: **D'a happy ciTy...haPPy by nite**
*manuworld*: Happy... haPPy...happY 2013!!!
*manuworld*: ****haPPy****
*manuworld*: **from Oporto with luv**
*manuworld*: 2nite iT's Da nite
*manuworld*: iN loVe ...iN seviLLe!!
*manuworld*: fLuoResCenT uNesCo
*manuworld*: heaVen knoWs
*manuworld*: rOOfs wiTh hisTory
*manuworld*: hYpnoTizeD!!!
*manuworld*: BIRDS singing
*manuworld*: weggis
*manuworld*: weggis
*manuworld*: sunset in paradise
*manuworld*: a flash in da night
*manuworld*: lucerne wood bridge fire
*manuworld*: genéve_by_nite
*manuworld*: genéve by nite
*manuworld*: o castelo
*manuworld*: Múrten castle
*manuworld*: vrummmmm
*manuworld*: light p my fire
*manuworld*: dark it's the nite
*manuworld*: weggis by nite
*manuworld*: Dusk in Oporto city!!!