Zawezome: Us kids know no cars go!
Zawezome: You know when I’m down to just my socks it’s time for business that’s why they call it business socks.
Zawezome: Oh, yeah. It’s business time.
Zawezome: Blow a kiss and change the world, yeah!
Zawezome: I'm still your fag.
Zawezome: To love and to be loved.
Zawezome: I'm wicked rad and I'm here to steal away your virginity.
Zawezome: Sometimes I'm naked and thank god Sometimes you're naked. Well, hello...
Zawezome: I've gotta big big big big heart beat, yeah!
Zawezome: pow pow now now pow pow now now
Zawezome: Who rubs our noses in the night? we do we do!
Zawezome: 'ello governa!
Zawezome: I chopped my hair off.
Zawezome: Teeth
Zawezome: Amélie,anyone?
Zawezome: My legs resemble a heart! Kind of.
Zawezome: I love you,fisheye.
Zawezome: I love painting.
Zawezome: My New Years Eve attire