LesG-: Point and Click in York last night.
LesG-: A Photographic Tour of Fossgate in York
LesG-: "Hi Son"
LesG-: York
LesG-: Big Teddy Bear
LesG-: Minster
LesG-: APAW number 13
LesG-: A Good Look
LesG-: Outside
LesG-: Inside
LesG-: Big Foot
LesG-: Bulmers
LesG-: APAW number 12
LesG-: Old and New
LesG-: History being demolished
LesG-: Thank you hot airballoonists :O)
LesG-: Lets go fly a kite.
LesG-: Toilet to let
LesG-: York Minster
LesG-: Morris dancing
LesG-: I want to be a Morris Dancer!
LesG-: 'Can we stop and listen to the bells Mum?'
LesG-: Battle of Marston Moor Reenactment
LesG-: Battle of Marston Moor Reenactment
LesG-: Bike Trek
LesG-: Poser of a Squirrel
LesG-: York Minster
LesG-: Can you think of a title because I can't!!
LesG-: St Williams College
LesG-: This is a door on St Williams College