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Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand by _leisa
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Singapore City Centre
Singapore City Centre
Buddhist Temple in Singapore
dinner at the food court near Guido's place
Jasmine pours the beer
mick tucks into the oyster omelette
The Guido Chandelier
Guido's Gorgeous Chandelier
Power Root
Mick & Guido & Power Root
Mick endorses Power Root
last Power Root shot... promise!
mick & guido
leisa in international territory
in international territory...
the 'take' pile and the 'donate' pile
mick re-evaluates what he *really* needs to take...
mick re-evaluates what he *really* needs to take...
mick re-evaluates what he *really* needs to take...
Malacca rickshaws
Malacca rickshaws
malacca currency
malacca currency
mick and the scooter
leisa & the scooter
Mick at the top of Overlap Rock
mick at the top of Overlap Rock
Leisa at the top of Overlap Rock
buddhist temple on Koh Samui
Buddhist temple in Koh Samui
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