_kimmg_: #7 fused glass jewelry
_kimmg_: Irridescent Wall Fish
_kimmg_: Diagonal
_kimmg_: knit 10
_kimmg_: Leaf 7
_kimmg_: Blue Tear Square
_kimmg_: October B.C. Awareness 2008
_kimmg_: Dark Cloud
_kimmg_: Flame Marble
_kimmg_: Look who is hiding in the Tissue Box!!!
_kimmg_: Fire Dreams 1
_kimmg_: Bad Petal Square
_kimmg_: Tis the Season
_kimmg_: Chicago - Macy's Walnut Room Diners
_kimmg_: Fishy Left Goo
_kimmg_: Carrot Square
_kimmg_: Fire Bloom
_kimmg_: Darts Anyone?
_kimmg_: Happy Museum
_kimmg_: Yellow Fam Junk
_kimmg_: Leaf 11
_kimmg_: From the Floor Marble
_kimmg_: Coneflower Square
_kimmg_: Wow Polka Dots
_kimmg_: Chicago Cadillac Ceiling
_kimmg_: Fishy Center Goo
_kimmg_: Leaf 1
_kimmg_: Still Life Souvenir Square
_kimmg_: I never know when to stop...
_kimmg_: Chronological