_JFR_: 01 Official Marker at the Southern Terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail in Campo, CA at the Mexican Border
_JFR_: 02 Looking west along the border wall at the southern terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail - more thru hikers getting started!
_JFR_: 03 Looking east along the border wall at the southern terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail in Campo, California
_JFR_: 04 Vicki posing with the Pacific Crest Trail southern teminus marker at Mile Zero on the Mexican Border
_JFR_: 05 We signed the Pacific Crest Trail register on May 2nd 2015 at the southern terminus on the Mexican Border
_JFR_: 07 Me, posing with the Pacific Crest Trail Southern Terminus Marker at the Mexican Border
_JFR_: 08 We're not thru-hikers, so we headed north from the border on the PCT without carrying much gear at all
_JFR_: 09 The Pacific Crest Trail crosses Forest Gate Road as it heads north from the border into the town of Campo
_JFR_: 10 Looking northeast from the Pacific Crest Trail over the equestrian event field in Campo, CA
_JFR_: 11 We made it to Mile 1 on the Pacific Crest Trail - hurrah! Canada, here we come! Only 2649 more miles to go
_JFR_: 12 The Pacific Crest Trail follows along Forest Gate Road as it heads north from the Mexican Border in Campo
_JFR_: 13 When the Pacific Crest Trail is in a town, it often follows along an existing roadway
_JFR_: 14 Sometimes the Pacific Crest Trail is on the roadway itself!
_JFR_: 15 But they trail makers tried to keep the PCT off the roads to be itself, as much as possible
_JFR_: 16 Looking east toward the San Diego and Eastern Arizona Railroad Station and museum in Campo
_JFR_: 17 We finally made it to Highway 94 (Campo Road) on the PCT, and you can see the train tracks in the distance
_JFR_: 22 Trail sign at Highway 94 - only 12 more miles for our dayhike, but it's 17 miles to reach Lake Morena
_JFR_: 27 Heading north from Highway 94 (Campo Road) on the Pacific Crest Trail
_JFR_: 28 Where the Pacific Crest Trail crosses the Desert Line tracks just north of the Mexican Border in Campo, CA
_JFR_: 29 Me, balancing on the rail at the railroad tracks north of the Mexican Border on the Pacific Crest Trail
_JFR_: 30 Vicki posing with the large-sized Pacific Crest Trail emblem at the railroad crossing in Campo, CA
_JFR_: 32 Zoomed-in view of the US-Mexico border wall from the Pacific Crest Trail as we head north from Campo
_JFR_: 33 Another view of the Desert Line tracks as they head west from Campo toward the Mexican Border
_JFR_: 35 Climbing uphill on the Pacific Crest Trail over the ridge at Hauser Mountain
_JFR_: 36 Looking down at the Desert Line Railroad tracks from the PCT near Campo, CA
_JFR_: 37 There were private ranches along the PCT near Campo, CA
_JFR_: 38 Stones used as trail border markers on the PCT near Campo, CA
_JFR_: 41 Panorama view northeast looking over toward Hacienda Del Florasol from the Pacific Crest Trail in Campo, CA
_JFR_: 42 Panorama video looking toward Hacienda Del Florasol from the PCT
_JFR_: 43 Looking back south toward Mexico from the Pacific Crest Trail