01 Official Marker at the Southern Terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail in Campo, CA at the Mexican Border
02 Looking west along the border wall at the southern terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail - more thru hikers getting started!
03 Looking east along the border wall at the southern terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail in Campo, California
04 Vicki posing with the Pacific Crest Trail southern teminus marker at Mile Zero on the Mexican Border
05 We signed the Pacific Crest Trail register on May 2nd 2015 at the southern terminus on the Mexican Border
08 We're not thru-hikers, so we headed north from the border on the PCT without carrying much gear at all
09 The Pacific Crest Trail crosses Forest Gate Road as it heads north from the border into the town of Campo
10 Looking northeast from the Pacific Crest Trail over the equestrian event field in Campo, CA
11 We made it to Mile 1 on the Pacific Crest Trail - hurrah! Canada, here we come! Only 2649 more miles to go
12 The Pacific Crest Trail follows along Forest Gate Road as it heads north from the Mexican Border in Campo
15 But they trail makers tried to keep the PCT off the roads to be itself, as much as possible
16 Looking east toward the San Diego and Eastern Arizona Railroad Station and museum in Campo
17 We finally made it to Highway 94 (Campo Road) on the PCT, and you can see the train tracks in the distance
22 Trail sign at Highway 94 - only 12 more miles for our dayhike, but it's 17 miles to reach Lake Morena
28 Where the Pacific Crest Trail crosses the Desert Line tracks just north of the Mexican Border in Campo, CA
29 Me, balancing on the rail at the railroad tracks north of the Mexican Border on the Pacific Crest Trail
30 Vicki posing with the large-sized Pacific Crest Trail emblem at the railroad crossing in Campo, CA
32 Zoomed-in view of the US-Mexico border wall from the Pacific Crest Trail as we head north from Campo
33 Another view of the Desert Line tracks as they head west from Campo toward the Mexican Border
41 Panorama view northeast looking over toward Hacienda Del Florasol from the Pacific Crest Trail in Campo, CA