0227 Looking back at Barney Lake and Mammoth Mountain (far right) from the Duck Lake Pass Trail
0232 Zoomed-in view of Mammoth Mountain from high up on the Duck Lake Pass Trail - last chance for cell signal
0238 Barney Lake and Mammoth Mountain and many switchbacks on the Duck Lake Pass Trail as I near the pass
0258 I topped out at the pass on the Duck Lake Pass Trail - Duck Lake should be just beyond, to the south
0288 View over Duck Lake with Duck Lake Peak (center) and Pika Pass (above right from Pika Lake)
0291 Graveyard Peak (highest point, left) above Cascade Valley, from the trail above Duck Lake
0311 Panorama view of the clear waters of Duck Lake, with Duck Lake Pass (far left) and Duck Lake Peak (right)
0316 The outflow creek from Duck Lake was running very slowly during the dry August of 2021
0317 Panorama view over Duck Lake from the southern outflow, with Duck Lake Pass on the far left
0335 Annotated PeakFinder App peaks looking south from Duck Lake, with Silver, Sharktooth, and Double Peaks