_JFR_: 0011 Getting my wilderness permit in Lone Pine with Mount Whitney right of center, plus my eBike on the bike rack
_JFR_: 0039 Heading west on Route 168 out of Bishop, CA with Mount Humphries, left of center in the back
_JFR_: 0045 I locked my eBike in the aspen grove above the backpacker parking at North Lake and left a note to please not steal it
_JFR_: 0051 Getting ready to hike in the early morning at the South Lake backpacker parking lot
_JFR_: 0054 Bishop Pass Trail trailhead at South Lake, with Hurd Peak, Trapezoid Peak, Mount Johnson, and Mount Gilbert
_JFR_: 0055 South Lake has already been drained down to dam level during this extra-dry year of 2021
_JFR_: 0066 I took a selfie at the John Muir Wilderness Sign on the Bishop Pass Trail
_JFR_: 0074 Looking down at lonely Hurd Lake from the Bishop Pass Trail - this is a rarely-visited lake
_JFR_: 0079 Cloudripper (elev 13525 feet) on the left and Chocolate Peak (11662 feet) on the right, from the Bishop Pass Trail
_JFR_: 0090 View from the north end of Long Lake, with Bishop Pass (center) and Mount Agassiz (13893 feet) on the left
_JFR_: 0099 Looking back north over Long Lake (elev 10753 feet) with Peak 11938 in the distance, from the Bishop Pass Trail
_JFR_: 0123 Spearhead Lake and Long Lake from the Bishop Pass Trail, with Hurd Peak (12237 feet) on the left
_JFR_: 0128 Chocolate Peak (left) and one of the Timberline Tarns, from the Bishop Pass Trail
_JFR_: 0131 Panorama video over Saddlerock Lake from the Bishop Pass Trail
_JFR_: 0138 Panorama view of Saddlerock Lake (11128 feet elev) from the Bishop Pass Trail
_JFR_: 0146 Stepping stones across a creek on the Bishop Pass Trail near the Bishop Lakes - these were under water in August 2011
_JFR_: 0148 The largest of the Bishop Lakes from the Bishop Pass Trail with Mount Goode (13085 feet elev) on the right
_JFR_: 0158 The Bishop Pass headwall - the switchbacks are those horizontal ridges on the left side
_JFR_: 0161 Panorama view over the Bishop Lakes with Mount Goode, left, and Hurd Peak, right, from the Bishop Pass Trail
_JFR_: 0166 A tiny tarn in the talus as the Bishop Pass Trail climbs toward the pass
_JFR_: 0169 Panorama view down the the South Fork Bishop Creek from the Bishop Pass Trail below the pass
_JFR_: 0173 The Bishop Pass Trail climbs many stone steps on its way up the headwall to the pass, with Mount Agassiz in back
_JFR_: 0186 One last look down into the South Fork Bishop Creek drainage from the top of the headwall below Bishop Pass
_JFR_: 0205 Above the headwall, the Bishop Pass Trail continues uphill, southwest toward Bishop Pass itself
_JFR_: 0217 SEKI sign at Bishop Pass (11972 feet elev) as I entered Dusy Basin on the Bishop Pass Trail
_JFR_: 0232 A glacial erratic leans toward the Bishop Pass Trail as I hiked down into Dusy Basin, just below Bishop Pass
_JFR_: 0233 View over Dusy Basin from the Bishop Pass Trail, with Giraud Peak (12608 feet elev) left of center
_JFR_: 0246 View of one of the many lakes in Dusy Basin, with Isosceles Peak (12321 ft) and Columbine Peak (12662 ft) on the left
_JFR_: 0254 Looking back at Bishop Pass and the Inconsolable Range, with Gendarme Peak (13252 ft) and Aperture Peak (13265 ft)
_JFR_: 0255 View of the Sierra Crest - Agassiz, Winchell, Thunderbolt, Starlight, North Palisade, Isosceles, and Columbine Peaks