_JFR_: 0001 Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest sign on Highway 395 where Highway 168 heads east to the White Mountains
_JFR_: 0020 Driving endlessly uphill on the paved section of White Mountain Road
_JFR_: 0026 Our car on White Mountain Road with the eastern Sierra Nevada in the distance across the valley
_JFR_: 0049 The paved section of White Mountain Road ends at the Shulman Grove, but the visitor center was closed for construction
_JFR_: 0050 Road sign on White Mountain Road showing that it was 12 miles of dirt road to reach the Patriarch Grove
_JFR_: 0056 Panorama shot as we ascend White Mountain Road
_JFR_: 0079 White Mountain Road climbing higher, with the Sierra Nevada in the distance to the west
_JFR_: 0089 White Mountain Road climbs thousands and thousands of feet
_JFR_: 002 Elevation marker on the road to the Patriarch Grove in the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
_JFR_: 003 Sign for the Patriarch Grove
_JFR_: 011 Ancient Bristlecone Pines in the Patriarch Grove
_JFR_: 017 Me at the nearly-empty parking lot at the Patriarch Grove
_JFR_: 018 We wrote Dust Me on our car bumper - the dirt was thick thanks to all those miles on White Mountain Road
_JFR_: 019 Vicki and I start our tour of the Patriarch Grove of Ancient Bristlecone Pines
_JFR_: 020 Sign at the Patriarch Grove showing that there are many new trees recently
_JFR_: 022 Vicki hugging The Patriarch, the largest Bristlecone Pine tree
_JFR_: 023 Brass plaque for The Patriarch, the largest Bristlecone Pine tree
_JFR_: 027 Me standing in front of The Patriarch, the largest Bristlecone Pine tree
_JFR_: 043 Bristlecone Pine trees in the Patriarch Grove
_JFR_: 045 Bristlecone Pine Cone in the Patriarch Grove - it has bristles!
_JFR_: 049 One of several informative signs at the Patriarch Grove
_JFR_: 052 We liked this big Bristlecone Pine and called it the Matriarch
_JFR_: 061 We decided to hike the Cottonwood Basin Overlook Trail at the Patriarch Grove
_JFR_: 068 Looking back toward the parking lot as we climb toward the overlook at the Patriarch Grove
_JFR_: 069 Healthy Bristlecone Pines at the Patriarch Grove
_JFR_: 072 View back toward the parking area and the Patriarch Grove from the overlook trail
_JFR_: 073 Cool-looking dead Bristlecone Pine stump at the Patriarch Grove
_JFR_: 076 Vicki decides to taste the limestone rock that these Bristlecones seem to love so much
_JFR_: 077 Vicki checking out the old and new Bristlecone Pines at the Patriarch Grove
_JFR_: 080 Panorama of the Cottonwood Basin Overlook at the Patriarch Grove