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Channel Islands July 2014 by _JFR_
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0021 Island Packers Cruises Islander in Ventura Harbor loading gear at the dock
0026 Island Packers Cruises - casting off from the dock in Ventura Harbor
0043 Offshore Oil Rig Gail in the Santa Barbara Channel
0056 Scorpion Anchorage on Santa Cruz Island
0059 The pier at Scorpion Anchorage on Santa Cruz Island
0067 Kayaking at Scorpion Anchorage on Santa Cruz Island
0082 Boat anchored in Potato Harbor on Santa Cruz Island
0087 Video of a Dolphin Pod in the Santa Barbara Channel near Santa Cruz Island
0090 Dolphin Pod in the Santa Barbara Channel near Santa Cruz Island
0093 Dolphins next to the boat in the Santa Barbara Channel near Santa Cruz Island
0099 Video of a Dolphin Pod in the Santa Barbara Channel near Santa Cruz Island
0100 Video of a Dolphin Pod in the Santa Barbara Channel near Santa Cruz Island
0111 Off-loading at Prisoners Harbor Pier on Santa Cruz Island
0115 Prisoners Harbor Sign on Santa Cruz Island
0123 Getting ready to hike at Prisoners Harbor Pier on Santa Cruz Island
0125 Carrying our own water from Prisoners Harbor Pier on Santa Cruz Island
0126 Trying to hike with big water jug on the Prisoners Harbor Pier on Santa Cruz Island
0129 Off-loading kayaks from the Island Packers boat at Prisoners Harbor
0137 Armory building at Prisoners Harbor on Santa Cruz Island, circa 1887
0146 Ready to hike up the Navy Road to the Del Norte Trail and Campsite from Prisoners Harbor
0148 Uphill on the Navy Road to the Del Norte Trail and Campsite from Prisoners Harbor
0151 Carrying too much water on the Navy Road near Prisoners Harbor
0154 Looking back at Prisoners Harbor from the Navy Road
0161 Kayaking in Prisoners Harbor on Santa Cruz Island
0170 Looking back at kayakers in Prisoners Harbor from the Navy Road
0172 Carrying two water jugs uphill on the Navy Road above Prisoners Harbor
0180 Looking back at Prisoners Harbor from the Navy Road
0201 The sun breaks through as we hike uphill on the Navy Road above Prisoners Harbor
0210 Red Peak (elevation 1822 feet) shows above the clouds on Santa Cruz Island
0211 Where the Del Norte Trail intersects the Navy Road on Santa Cruz Island
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