_jayme: Joni and Deanne
_jayme: rawr
_jayme: becca
_jayme: deanne
_jayme: hi brady.
_jayme: new band members!
_jayme: psycho killer
_jayme: eww sweat
_jayme: two heads and an arm
_jayme: becca
_jayme: the band etc.
_jayme: mandola solo!
_jayme: blowing his sax
_jayme: horrible singers
_jayme: saw solo!
_jayme: the other table
_jayme: horrible portrait #1
_jayme: horrible portrait #2
_jayme: horrible portrait #3
_jayme: horrible portrait #4
_jayme: rebecca's GIGANTIC tonsils
_jayme: no flash #1
_jayme: no flash #2
_jayme: no flash #3
_jayme: no flash #4
_jayme: no flash #5
_jayme: it's that guy again!
_jayme: these boots are made for walkin'
_jayme: home-made shirts?
_jayme: whistling!