_jayme: oh god.
_jayme: the next morning.
_jayme: romance?
_jayme: a lotta guys and one girl
_jayme: good ryan faces 5
_jayme: travis is scared
_jayme: henrik and russ
_jayme: justin russ madison
_jayme: two seasoned drinkers
_jayme: brady and yulee
_jayme: rock stars?
_jayme: more fridge poetry..
_jayme: henrik and ben folds
_jayme: henrik adam ava travis jeff
_jayme: akash travis russ
_jayme: to europe!
_jayme: that's cute
_jayme: murgai
_jayme: joel!
_jayme: brett and travis
_jayme: seems plausible
_jayme: john and fridge magnet
_jayme: i love parties!
_jayme: jack with more food?
_jayme: people
_jayme: ginger!
_jayme: akash
_jayme: good ryan faces 4
_jayme: good ryan faces 3
_jayme: bob sticks his neck out