earthtokristophor: solar shields
earthtokristophor: Nicholas & Theodore
earthtokristophor: Dallas World Aquarium
earthtokristophor: @ The Pharmacy Burger Parlor & Beer Garden
earthtokristophor: Long highways
earthtokristophor: smells like old fish...
earthtokristophor: There's a camera in those paws
earthtokristophor: Texas style
earthtokristophor: Down the Guadalupe
earthtokristophor: Yours Truly
earthtokristophor: Perfectly unclear
earthtokristophor: Higher Ground
earthtokristophor: Let's go for a ride
earthtokristophor: K-mount 135 mm
earthtokristophor: Dream Rider
earthtokristophor: How to stay warm during a Midwest winter...
earthtokristophor: Settle down, fellas... she's taken.