earthtokristophor: At the local cinema
earthtokristophor: Sunbeam Alpine
earthtokristophor: summer drives
earthtokristophor: Rust just adds character, like wrinkles on the corners of the eyes of an old man.
earthtokristophor: Red & Dangerous
earthtokristophor: All Vacationed Out
earthtokristophor: Life Left to Give
earthtokristophor: One rarely learns anything without making a wrong turn or two.
earthtokristophor: Let's go for a ride
earthtokristophor: Waiting for re-utilization.
earthtokristophor: A Brit in Guatemala
earthtokristophor: Taxi in San Andrés Sajcabajá
earthtokristophor: A Working Legend
earthtokristophor: There's something about her; a gravity my heart can't escape.