earthtokristophor: Anywhere in America
earthtokristophor: simple things
earthtokristophor: in the ash heap of eternal insignificance
earthtokristophor: in the night, my hope lives on
earthtokristophor: @ The Pharmacy Burger Parlor & Beer Garden
earthtokristophor: Sunbeam Alpine
earthtokristophor: sweet is the sleep of a laborer.
earthtokristophor: all the ends of the earth shall remember.
earthtokristophor: light dawns in the darkness for the upright.
earthtokristophor: pretty plants
earthtokristophor: summer drives
earthtokristophor: good life.
earthtokristophor: with you in mind
earthtokristophor: underground
earthtokristophor: is it safe?