earthtokristophor: Madison, WI
earthtokristophor: Fallen twice
earthtokristophor: Ohio Masonic Home Band
earthtokristophor: Rain on the window
earthtokristophor: No love for drones
earthtokristophor: Saturday Morning
earthtokristophor: Madison, WI
earthtokristophor: Stick to the old roads
earthtokristophor: Live and let live
earthtokristophor: There's a camera in those paws
earthtokristophor: Texas style
earthtokristophor: Waist deep
earthtokristophor: Down the Guadalupe
earthtokristophor: For an endless summer
earthtokristophor: Going Down
earthtokristophor: Observations
earthtokristophor: But we'll stay
earthtokristophor: Go no further
earthtokristophor: All the trees of the field will clap their hands.
earthtokristophor: Give me shoes that weren't made for standing.