Worjohn: Path to the moon
Worjohn: Dark night, bright moon
Worjohn: Mercury in transit across the sun
Worjohn: mercury in transit across the Sun
Worjohn: Orion steps through trees
Worjohn: Orion on a bright night
Worjohn: Orion lit by the moon
Worjohn: Venus casts a shadow2 - ©All Rights Reserved
Worjohn: Venus and Jupiter enjoy a late night out over Bishops Cleeve
Worjohn: Taurus and 7 sisters
Worjohn: Plough over Cleeve Hill
Worjohn: Plough over Cleeve Hill
Worjohn: Orion over cleeve hill
Worjohn: Taurus, Aldebaran and 7 Sisters
Worjohn: Venus and Moon 2
Worjohn: Jupiter chases Venus over my back yard
Worjohn: Taurus, Aldebaran and Seven Sisters - Pleiades
Worjohn: Venus and 7 sisters chase Jupiter that is trying to hide in the glare of 5 street lamps
Worjohn: dusk
Worjohn: Jupiter and Venus Looking at each other