_christine: forest from the trees
_christine: forest from the trees
_christine: perrenial again
_christine: Perennial detail
_christine: bird tree skirt
_christine: flower tree skirt
_christine: honorable mention detail
_christine: honorable mention full
_christine: garden flare in action
_christine: garden flare top view
_christine: garden flare
_christine: perennial
_christine: perrennial
_christine: tree of heaven
_christine: ferns detail
_christine: fern waterfall
_christine: plywood logs
_christine: plywood logs detail
_christine: ceramic logs!
_christine: ceramic logs detail
_christine: ceramic logs
_christine: hybrid in hand
_christine: antlers
_christine: antlers
_christine: antlers
_christine: Constellation
_christine: Constellation
_christine: Constellation
_christine: little sculptures