Uncle Catherine: Chaps Pit Beef - Lunch
Uncle Catherine: Freaky Friday
Uncle Catherine: Fuse Based Repairs
Uncle Catherine: Fuse Based Repairs
Uncle Catherine: Just playing with my repaired lens...also rops!
Uncle Catherine: Fuse Based Repairs
Uncle Catherine: Brooklyn Mural Outside John's
Uncle Catherine: No chocolate chip cookies.
Uncle Catherine: Lincoln.
Uncle Catherine: Tea time!
Uncle Catherine: Jim Henson statue at University of Marland.
Uncle Catherine: Washington
Uncle Catherine: Recreating History
Uncle Catherine: Washington
Uncle Catherine: Lincoln Memorial
Uncle Catherine: Lincoln Memorial
Uncle Catherine: Four Score
Uncle Catherine: Sort of Reflecting Pool
Uncle Catherine: I Have a Dream
Uncle Catherine: Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Uncle Catherine: Surveillance
Uncle Catherine: Surveillance
Uncle Catherine: The goods
Uncle Catherine: Nut Theif