Uncle Catherine:
Mr. X.
Uncle Catherine:
Traditional Christmas food by my Mom.
Uncle Catherine:
Funny story ... ousted from my very own apartment..
Uncle Catherine:
Kelly gave me this! First year on an actual tree!
Uncle Catherine:
NYSE tree.
Uncle Catherine:
Why I stayed home...
Uncle Catherine:
Other original cat.
Uncle Catherine:
Homemade Mustard Experiment - Day 1
Uncle Catherine:
The cat on her perch on top of the bookshelf! It is very cute (although you can't see the perspective well in this photo).
Uncle Catherine:
Mister X! I will probably lose.
Uncle Catherine:
Due to silly conference room crowding I am in this very large room by myself.
Uncle Catherine:
Poop. Someone is frustrated at work.
Uncle Catherine:
Uncle Catherine:
Macaroons and a latte while we wait.
Uncle Catherine:
Apparently all I am instagraming these days is food. All natural chocolate covered peanuts. Funny colors...delicious though.
Uncle Catherine:
Out with the old.
Uncle Catherine:
Uncle Catherine:
Late for work.
Uncle Catherine:
Dear Instagram, I return with photos of food.
Uncle Catherine:
Josh thought that they didn't sell extra soft!
Uncle Catherine:
Love is cool!
Uncle Catherine:
The cat.
Uncle Catherine:
Tacky holiday display in my apartment building lobby.
Uncle Catherine:
Look how gross instagram made these look. Oh wait...they started that way.
Uncle Catherine:
Uncle Catherine:
Mom's Christmas tree.
Uncle Catherine:
Holiday traditions...ugly fruit basket from my Mom's neighbors.
Uncle Catherine:
Guilty pleasure - Cheese Ball!
Uncle Catherine:
Two heads!
Uncle Catherine:
Lemon sandwich cookies. Thanks Gourmet magazine.