Uncle Catherine: At Henry St Ale House
Uncle Catherine: Flowers from Darrell
Uncle Catherine: The Bag
Uncle Catherine: Building Across From Me
Uncle Catherine: Ubiquitous Cranes
Uncle Catherine: Midtown at Sunset
Uncle Catherine: Today's Fun
Uncle Catherine: All you need...
Uncle Catherine: The Devil
Uncle Catherine: Fuzzy Studying Distraction (2)
Uncle Catherine: Fuzzy Studying Distraction
Uncle Catherine: Brooklyn Public Library - Society, Science & Technology Room
Uncle Catherine: Contracts Lecturer
Uncle Catherine: 1.12.09 - Seat Number
Uncle Catherine: 1.8.09 Studying @ NYPL
Uncle Catherine: Loyal Lecture Companions
Uncle Catherine: Hopefully I won't be at class this time again
Uncle Catherine: The cat is very insistent
Uncle Catherine: 1500 Broadway - Hell
Uncle Catherine: Todays NYCP Lecture
Uncle Catherine: Classroom Window
Uncle Catherine: I hate starting the day here...
Uncle Catherine: Waitng for Break to be Over
Uncle Catherine: Round Two - UGH
Uncle Catherine: It was free
Uncle Catherine: Ken's Watch
Uncle Catherine: Scales of Justice...ON MY FEET
Uncle Catherine: I thought this might help - It did NOT