_Carah: "Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories."
_Carah: "You're still the only one that feels like home."
_Carah: Happy New Year!
_Carah: "Burning every bridge that I cross, to find some beautiful place to get lost"
_Carah: "Was a long and dark December, from the rooftops I remember, there was snow, white snow..."
_Carah: "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."
_Carah: i took a walk l 03
_Carah: i took a walk l 01
_Carah: i took a walk l 02
_Carah: "I wish I could disappear and run away from all of my fears..."
_Carah: "When the past becomes the present I will stop to regret, the endless days that i´ve spent hoping this time soon would end..."
_Carah: " Die Zeit heilt nicht alle Wunden. Die Zeit ist die Wunde."
_Carah: "Concrete is, essentially, the color of bad weather.”
_Carah: "Looking for somewhere to stand and stay, I leaned on the wall and the wall leaned away..."
_Carah: “There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.”
_Carah: "When does it start, where does it end, when are we gone with the wind the wind the wind..."
_Carah: "The city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo."
_Carah: "Sailing heart-ships thru broken harbors, out on the waves in the night..."
_Carah: “Fear is the highest fence.”
_Carah: "Gegen Fernweh hilft nur das Heimweh."
_Carah: Her mit dem schoenen Leben.