c@rljones: if it's this cold down at the bottom, what will it be like at the top?
c@rljones: Where winter begins
c@rljones: tree, tree, moon, tree, tree
c@rljones: Ascent
c@rljones: Maenofferen
c@rljones: Bleak
c@rljones: Relics
c@rljones: The house on the hill
c@rljones: Last man standing
c@rljones: ruin
c@rljones: <~^^~~^~~~~^~~~~^~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~>
c@rljones: last man standing
c@rljones: Reclamation
c@rljones: Leaves on the line?
c@rljones: Barren
c@rljones: WMD 19/4/38
c@rljones: Collapse
c@rljones: Tracks
c@rljones: Rusty
c@rljones: industrial winter
c@rljones: The grass isn't always greener..