bathroomgirl: Joel riding Log Jamboree at Six Flags
bathroomgirl: Joel goes down the big slide
bathroomgirl: Poppy smiling in bed
bathroomgirl: "I'm gonna let you rub my shoulders."
bathroomgirl: At the dinner table
bathroomgirl: Pouty lips
bathroomgirl: Cool kids (1968)
bathroomgirl: Tobacco mischief
bathroomgirl: Chris, Tom, Eleanor double exposure
bathroomgirl: Merry go round
bathroomgirl: Lost in the Forest
bathroomgirl: Just so doggone tired (1968)
bathroomgirl: Mom and best friend (1968)
bathroomgirl: Time it was, oh what a time it was
bathroomgirl: Mom and younger brother Joel