bathroomgirl: Caroling at the Hyatt (1997?)
bathroomgirl: At Grandma's, Christmas morning (1997)
bathroomgirl: Mrs. Russell's art class, 2nd grade
bathroomgirl: Waiting for the school bus (1997 or 98)
bathroomgirl: 2nd grade school photo
bathroomgirl: Trying on Easter Mass dress
bathroomgirl: First Holy Communion
bathroomgirl: Crouching and giggling on River Street, c. 1997
bathroomgirl: My Dad holds a colorful slinky while he bosses us around (c. 1997)
bathroomgirl: Swept off your feet, Elly style
bathroomgirl: Dad, me, and Marko on River Street, Savannah, GA, c. 1997
bathroomgirl: Me - Christmas morning, 1997
bathroomgirl: I will never let Grandma cut my bangs again.
bathroomgirl: Homework
bathroomgirl: Receiving SPEC (Special Effort and Conduct) award in third grade (1999)
bathroomgirl: I'm really excited about those two broken Ken doll legs.
bathroomgirl: Takin' care of business
bathroomgirl: Mom's Schneider headshot (c. 1997)
bathroomgirl: Ready to party
bathroomgirl: Hey, check this out!