_babycatface_: Little Blue
_babycatface_: Little Blue
_babycatface_: Little Blue
_babycatface_: Little Blue
_babycatface_: Blue process
_babycatface_: "Hey Blue, balloons are not only for you..." Please Katt, don't be rude!
_babycatface_: "I just wanted to play hide and seek"
_babycatface_: "Wow! I want that donut so bad..."
_babycatface_: Dreamy Blue
_babycatface_: Dreamy Blue
_babycatface_: "Have a nice Saturday dear friends"
_babycatface_: "Look at me Blue! First lesson to be a rock & roll star: Posing like a rock & roll star"
_babycatface_: "Enjoying wonderful almost spring day in Retiro Madrid"
_babycatface_: "Enjoying wonderful almost spring day in Retiro Madrid"
_babycatface_: "Enjoying wonderful almost spring day in Retiro Madrid"
_babycatface_: Wake little Blue, it's Tuesday!
_babycatface_: "So, when do you say the bus is coming?"
_babycatface_: "So, when do you say the bus is coming?"
_babycatface_: Most popular girls in town
_babycatface_: Fails also happen in dolly world #babycatfail
_babycatface_: Hey girls, look at the camera, as Flora is doing.
_babycatface_: Best friends
_babycatface_: "We're arriving late to school today if the bus don't come right now"
_babycatface_: "Wow! Madrid is crowded today!"
_babycatface_: "Come on Flora! Let's scare Bonnie!"
_babycatface_: Odile, at ABC Museum
_babycatface_: Blue, at ABC Museum
_babycatface_: Katt, at ABC Museum
_babycatface_: Introducing my sweet BoBo and his friend Charles
_babycatface_: "Secretitos a la oreja, son cosa de viejas"