_alia: P2220076b
_alia: city hall in the rain
_alia: 04
_alia: chicago gsb w/ trees
_alia: river shot
_alia: spooky
_alia: doorway
_alia: green light
_alia: Painting with light from the back seat of a moving car.
_alia: pow
_alia: the light shakes
_alia: Painting with light from the back seat of a moving car.
_alia: 07
_alia: bang
_alia: chicago @ night
_alia: into the night
_alia: river view
_alia: Painting with light from the back seat of a moving car.
_alia: chicago @ night
_alia: light painting
_alia: university of chicago
_alia: michigan & wacker
_alia: 12
_alia: Painting with light from the back seat of a moving car.
_alia: winter trees
_alia: chicago gsb
_alia: wet parking lot
_alia: krash
_alia: 14
_alia: Painting with light from the back seat of a moving car.