notphilatall: Clam Chowda (followed by Dungeness Crabbage)
notphilatall: A gaggle of tourists
notphilatall: local_tourist.tif
notphilatall: The Guards' ballroom
notphilatall: Oh hey look a story
notphilatall: Best be brisk and studious
notphilatall: Freebird
notphilatall: The Great Escape
notphilatall: On the Agave Walk
notphilatall: Dressing room
notphilatall: Cell Blocks C&D
notphilatall: A Room of One's Own
notphilatall: Exercise Yard
notphilatall: Superbad cells
notphilatall: Isolation Room
notphilatall: No way out
notphilatall: Afternoon on lockdown
notphilatall: Visitation access
notphilatall: The ironing is delicious
notphilatall: Tiff and MiniTiff
notphilatall: SF Sunset Skyline
notphilatall: GoldenGate/Alcatraz Retrospective
notphilatall: The Rock