9flights: Sophie, Sam & Finley
9flights: Look Omom, I'm a cheesehead, too!
9flights: Telling Stories
9flights: Old Blue Eyes
9flights: Eh, not so much
9flights: Pick meeeee up!
9flights: Messy Monkeys
9flights: A rare moment of comaraderie
9flights: Daddy and Babies at Bear Mountain
9flights: Look out o'er the Hudson
9flights: Baby, Baby, Momma
9flights: Finley touches her first caterpillar
9flights: Stroll on the boardwalk
9flights: Room to crawl
9flights: When will I grow hair?
9flights: I am so happy!
9flights: Daddy's girl
9flights: Whoo-hoo!
9flights: Beautiful Girl
9flights: Playgroup
9flights: Banana Boy
9flights: Banana Girl
9flights: I'm Walking!!
9flights: Two on the move
9flights: The great cheerio trick
9flights: They don't call it the drunken sailor walk for nothing
9flights: The stroller makes me sleepy
9flights: Where are we going today, Momma?
9flights: Just like Momma
9flights: Sam and Jack