99zeros: rose deciding where we should go
99zeros: staircase
99zeros: more staircase
99zeros: hotel restaurant
99zeros: orange juice machine
99zeros: ashtray
99zeros: fresh oranges
99zeros: table in the lobby
99zeros: nice display
99zeros: the lobby
99zeros: across the street from our hotel
99zeros: the road one over
99zeros: the main street
99zeros: smoking store?
99zeros: random building
99zeros: traffic light
99zeros: spices
99zeros: more spices
99zeros: spices^3
99zeros: spcies eveywhere
99zeros: gains
99zeros: weird chinese shop
99zeros: meat factory
99zeros: dried meats
99zeros: another spice shop
99zeros: cinnamon
99zeros: a bakery
99zeros: yum baked goods
99zeros: random sunflowers
99zeros: another big street