gnomemad: by the river
gnomemad: doing dishes
gnomemad: doing dishes
gnomemad: doing dishes
gnomemad: discussing stories
gnomemad: discussing stories
gnomemad: sporting tie dye
gnomemad: eyes closed
gnomemad: running with stuffies
gnomemad: at the circle
gnomemad: maximum marshmallow, minimum face burn
gnomemad: shmallows
gnomemad: stories and poems
gnomemad: stories and poems
gnomemad: evening fire circle
gnomemad: ant reserve
gnomemad: three flies up kick
gnomemad: tie dye
gnomemad: three flies up
gnomemad: fire circle
gnomemad: red ants
gnomemad: with the ants
gnomemad: the river
gnomemad: where's MY frilly decoration?
gnomemad: cuties
gnomemad: waterfront development
gnomemad: skipping stones
gnomemad: swimmers
gnomemad: at the build site
gnomemad: boys by the water