The doll keeper: American Indian Barbie/Steffie
The doll keeper: Barbie's Pow Wow 1983 Convention Doll
The doll keeper: Barbie's Pow Wow 1983 Convention Doll
The doll keeper: Loving You Barbie Superstar in Christmas Dress
The doll keeper: Loving You Barbie Superstar Face in Christmas Dress
The doll keeper: I found this Elf eyeing up German Barbie
The doll keeper: DOTW German Barbie - Happy New Year 2013
The doll keeper: Dream Glow Barbie as Cinderella
The doll keeper: Bridesmaid Barbie
The doll keeper: Bridesmaid Barbie
The doll keeper: 1980 Magic Curl Barbie
The doll keeper: 1980 Magic Curl Barbie
The doll keeper: 1983 Angel Face Barbie
The doll keeper: 1983 Angel Face Barbie
The doll keeper: 1984 Loving You Barbie
The doll keeper: 1984 Loving You Barbie
The doll keeper: Dream Glow Barbie
The doll keeper: 1967 Vintage Mod Platinum Barbie with her Arabian Horse
The doll keeper: 1967 Vintage TNT Mod Barbie, 1974 Vintage Yellowstone Kelley and 1983 Pow Wow Convention Barbie Doll
The doll keeper: DOTW German Barbie wearing Springtime
The doll keeper: 1988 Feelin' Fun Barbie
The doll keeper: 1987 NRFB DOTW Nigerian Barbie
The doll keeper: Barbie Meets the Beatles
The doll keeper: 1981 Sunsational Malibu Christie with Steffie Face Mold
The doll keeper: 1981 Sunsational Malibu Christie with Steffie Face Mold
The doll keeper: Sun Gold PJ with Steffie Face Mold
The doll keeper: Sun Gold PJ with Steffie Face Long Golden Locks
The doll keeper: 1989 Wet'n Wild Teresa with Steffie Face Mold
The doll keeper: Tag Game: You're Invited to a Saturday Night Slumber Party
The doll keeper: Christie & Barbie's Saturday Night Slumber Party