M-Photographic: Lavender
M-Photographic: Butterfly
M-Photographic: Caterpillars come from eggs
M-Photographic: Fly green
M-Photographic: Fly green
M-Photographic: Green long-legged fly
M-Photographic: Shiny beetle - Front top
M-Photographic: Shiny beetle - Top
M-Photographic: As hairy as a shiny beetle's bottom
M-Photographic: Eye on you
M-Photographic: Somewhere among the flowers
M-Photographic: Breakfast of champions
M-Photographic: It'd be pretty except . . . (version I)
M-Photographic: The last thing he saw . . .
M-Photographic: Be alert but not alarmed
M-Photographic: Spread your wings
M-Photographic: In her sights . . .
M-Photographic: Green long-legged fly
M-Photographic: Common Crow Butterfly (Euploea core)
M-Photographic: Welcome to my lair
M-Photographic: Cool eyes
M-Photographic: Orange Bush Brown Butterfly
M-Photographic: It'd be pretty except . . . (version II)