vjgarden: Change happens slowly at first
vjgarden: ivy gold
vjgarden: morning light in maple leaves with miniature spruce
vjgarden: willow stems
vjgarden: nov 20
vjgarden: nov 13
vjgarden: nov 9
vjgarden: nov 3
vjgarden: nov 5a
vjgarden: nov 5
vjgarden: nov 4
vjgarden: nov 7
vjgarden: nov 12
vjgarden: nov 16
vjgarden: Sebastopol geese 3
vjgarden: nov 14
vjgarden: nov 15
vjgarden: 33 Dawn redwood
vjgarden: dawn redwood autumn
vjgarden: nov 20 Dawn redwood
vjgarden: 32 Dawn redwood metasequoia
vjgarden: IMG_4701 Dawn redwood metasequoia
vjgarden: red wheel barrow 2
vjgarden: Solomon's Seal
vjgarden: Idesia polycarpa and Liquidambar styraciflua 'Rotundiloba' Sweet Gum
vjgarden: IMG_7708
vjgarden: Molinia caerulea ssp. arundinacea ‘Transparent’ and Cornus kousa
vjgarden: Crocus speciosus 'Conqueror'