joepie66: Houses of Parliament
joepie66: The darkest night is often the bridge to the brightest tomorrow...
joepie66: Give light and the darkness will disappear...
joepie66: Happiness often sneaks in a door you did not think was open...
joepie66: If you're not lighting any candles, don't complain about being in the dark.
joepie66: Closed gates mean keep on going...
joepie66: Just look up, we all sleep under the same starry night...
joepie66: Bruges by night...
joepie66: Wherever we are in the world, we all look at the same moon... (weather permitting)
joepie66: We know the speed of light, what's the speed of dark?
joepie66: No matter where you are or what you are going through always believe that there is a light at the end of your tunnel.
joepie66: Merry christmas... The season to share... The season to smile... The season to care... The season to love... and the season to make penguins (remember making those little ornaments few years ago with my niece and we had great fun doing so)
joepie66: One day I'll fly away...
joepie66: Don't define your world in black and white because there is so much hiding amongst the greys...
joepie66: Time for some home-made sloe-gin...
joepie66: Whoever believes that diamonds are a girl's best friend, hasn't met a woman who loves to RUN!
joepie66: Laundry today OR naked tomorrow!