The tiny seed knew that in order to grow, it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered in darkness and struggle to reach the light.
Hoodies, hot chocolate, boots, jeans, cuddling, crisp air, flushed cheecks... the autumn has arrived.
If only one could tell true love from false love as one can tell mushrooms from toadstools...
Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain BUT you can't have a rainbow without a little rain...
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about getting out there and dancing in the rain...
Advise from a tree: Stand Tall and Proud, Go out on a Limb, Remember your Roots, Drink plenty of Water, Be Content with your Natural Beauty and Enjoy the View...
A little bit of spring indoors what proves to be another wet, windy and cold winters day...
You might think that after thousands of years of coming up to soon and getting wet, windswept and frozen, the crocus family would have had a little sense knocked into it...