hottentot118: Southern Hawker (Aeshna cyanea)
hottentot118: Hornet
hottentot118: Red Admiral
hottentot118: Migrant Hawker (Aeshna mixta)
hottentot118: Emperor dragonfly (female)
hottentot118: European Hornet
hottentot118: Small Red damselfly.
hottentot118: White-letter hairstreak
hottentot118: Scarlet tiger
hottentot118: Green-eyed flower bee nectaring from wood sage.
hottentot118: Keeled skimmer dragonfly
hottentot118: Silvery leafcutter bee
hottentot118: Gold-ringed Dragonfly
hottentot118: Broad-bodied chaser (f)
hottentot118: Emperor moth
hottentot118: Broad-bodied chaser
hottentot118: Minotaur beetle on the move.
hottentot118: Rhododendron Leafhopper
hottentot118: European Hornet
hottentot118: More hitch hikers on the car.
hottentot118: Black Darter
hottentot118: Hopping hitch hiker.
hottentot118: Gold-ringed dragonfly
hottentot118: Pondweed Leafhopper
hottentot118: Green-eyed hawker
hottentot118: Pottering about.
hottentot118: Common Darter
hottentot118: Green-eyed flower bee.
hottentot118: Black Darter (female)
hottentot118: Ichneumon Wasp (Enicospilus ramidulus)