hottentot118: Sloe Hairstreak
hottentot118: Blue-spot Hairstreak
hottentot118: Spotted Fritillary
hottentot118: Iberian Scarce Swallowtail
hottentot118: Red Vanilla Orchid (Nigritella rubra)
hottentot118: Cleopatra (Gonepteryx cleopatra)
hottentot118: Spanish Owlfly
hottentot118: Man Orchid
hottentot118: Sooty Copper (Lycaena tityrus)
hottentot118: Burnt-tip orchid (Neotinea ustulata)
hottentot118: Elder-flowered orchid (Dactylorhiza sambucina)
hottentot118: Frog Orchid (Dactylorhiza viridis)
hottentot118: Lammergeier
hottentot118: Lammergeier
hottentot118: Red-backed shrike
hottentot118: Red-backed shrike.
hottentot118: View from Brez up the Liebena valley.
hottentot118: Black kite
hottentot118: Black kite
hottentot118: Piedmont Ringlet
hottentot118: Duke of Burgandy
hottentot118: Fragrant orchid
hottentot118: Alpine Aster
hottentot118: Spring Gentian
hottentot118: Trumpet Gentian
hottentot118: Alpine Chough
hottentot118: Wryneck
hottentot118: Ocellated Lizard
hottentot118: Ocellated lizard
hottentot118: Ocellated lizards